Congressional Cybersecurity Lab
The Need
Cybersecurity issues occupy a growing share of the Congressional agenda; every day, staff advise Members on digital policy. It is critically important that both lawmakers and aides be well-versed in the complex subjects at hand.
What the Lab Offers
The core of the Lab is a six-week seminar series that introduces participants to foundational topics in cybersecurity: how networks work and what defends them, key bad actors and their tools, the roles of different sectors in preventing or responding to threats. Each seminar is led by top technologists and scholars drawn from the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Each week's seminar also includes a tabletop exercise--in which participants are divided into groups and given scenarios to roleplay that emphasize the role of the legislative branch--as well as a social component. Unless otherwise noted, sessions are held at the Wilson Center.
Who Should Apply
The Wilson Center invites mid- to senior-level Congressional staff to participate in the Lab; the program is also open to exceptional rising leaders with a keen interest in cybersecurity who staff other US policymakers. Applicants should possess a strong understanding of the legislative process and aspire to a career shaping national security policy. For more information, see our FAQ.
There is no cost to attend the lab, but an application must be submitted in order to be selected.
Alumni Program
Participants who attend at least 5 out of 6 sessions join the Tech Lab Alumni Network. Alumni are invited to take part in exclusive Wilson Center events and programs, including private briefings, workshops, study trips, and high-level roundtables. During the seminar series, participants will also be in a position to draw on the expertise of the 150 resident scholars the Wilson Center hosts each year, a global network of academics and policymakers.
Congressional Cybersecurity Lab Series
The Cybersecurity Lab focuses on core, fundamental concepts necessary to understanding cybersecurity: how networks work and what defends them, key bad actors and their tools, the roles of different sectors in preventing or responding to threats. Each seminar is led by top technologists and scholars drawn from the private, public, and non-profit sectors. Each week's seminar also includes a tabletop exercise--in which participants are divided into groups and given scenarios to roleplay that emphasize the role of the legislative branch--as well as a social component.
- Applications are now closed. Lab dates are February 11, February 25, March 4, March 11, March 18, and March 25.