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두 대통령, 하나의 길: 2022년과 그 이후 도전과제 대응을 위한 한미동맹 로드맵

Books@Wilson logoBook cover in Korean for Two Presidents, One Agenda
Books@Wilson logoBook cover in Korean for Two Presidents, One Agenda



편집: 수 미 테리 박사(Dr. Sue Mi Terry)

바이든 대통령과 윤석열 대통령 앞에는 21세기를 위한 보다 강력한 한미동맹을 이룰 역사적인 기회가 놓여 있다.

두 대통령, 하나의 길: 2022년과 그 이후 도전과제 대응을 위한 한미동맹 로드맵(Two Presidents, One Agenda: A Blueprint for South Korea and the United States to Address the Challenges of the 2020s and Beyond)은 두 동맹국이 향후 직면할 가장 중요한 안보 및 경제적 과제와 기회들에 대해 저자들이 양국 대통령에게 제언하고자 하는 구체적 정책 제안을 담고 있다. 이 책은 크게 두 부분으로 구성되었다. 첫 부분은 동북아시아의 변화하는 지정학적 상황을 다루고 두 번째 부분은 경제 및 무역 사안을 다루면서, 총 12개에 걸친 의제를 포함하고 있다.


각각의 전략 지정학적, 경제적 사안들에 관해 한국 전문가 1명과 미국 전문가 1명이 각국의 대응 방안을 소개한다. 보다 협소한 의제에 대해서는 한국 또는 미국의 전문가 1명이 제언을 제공한다. 이 책의 모든 저자는 높은 학업적 성취를 이룬 각 분야 최고의 전문가들이다. 뿐만 아니라 여러 저자가 공직에서 많은 경험을 쌓았다.


국제 환경을 완전히 탈바꿈시키고 있는 여러 변화에 비추어 볼 때, 한국과 미국은 더 이상 양자 관계 및 양국이 직면한 공동 과제에 대해 “일상적으로(business as usual)” 대응할 수는 없다. 한국과 미국의 대통령이 이처럼 무수히 많은 과제에 대응해나가기 위해서는 여러 전문 정책 입안자들 및 학자들의 구체적이면서도 혁신적이고, 행동 가능한 제언을 필요로 한다. 이 책은 양국 정부 모두에게 앞으로 나아갈 방향을 제시해 줄 것이다.


For English (영문) language version of Two Presidents One Agenda(두 대통령, 하나의 길), click here.


Sue Mi Terry

Sue Mi Terry

Former Director of the Asia Program and the Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy


Headshot photo of Richard L. Armitage

Richard L. Armitage

Former Deputy Secretary of State
A picture of Abraham Denmark in front of green foliage

Abraham Denmark

Former Vice President of Programs and Director of Studies; Former Senior Advisor to the Asia Program; Former Senior Fellow in the Kissinger Institute on China and the United States
Headshot photo of Dr. Jae Ho Chung

Jae Ho Chung

Professor of International Relations, Seoul National University
Victor Cha

Victor Cha

Senior Vice President and Korea Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Vice Dean for Faculty and Graduate Affairs and D.S. Song-KF Professor of Government, Georgetown University
Headshot photo of Dr. Won Gon Park

Won Gon Park

Professor, Ewha Womans University
Headshot photo of Sheila A. Smith

Sheila A. Smith

John E. Merow Senior Fellow for Asia-Pacific Studies, Council on Foreign Relations
Headshot photo of Dr. Sook Jong Lee

Sook Jong Lee

Senior Fellow, East Asia Institute; Representative of Asia Democracy Research Network
Andrew Yeo

Andrew Yeo

Senior Fellow and the SK-Korea Foundation Chair in Korea Studies, Center for East Asia Policy Studies, Brookings Institution
Photo of Dr. Yoon Young-kwan speaking

Young-kwan Yoon

Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Republic of South Korea
Headshot photo of Scott Snyder

Scott Snyder

Senior Fellow for Korea Studies and Director of the Program on U.S.-Korea Policy, Council on Foreign Relations
Headshot photo of Dr. Chaesung Chun

Chaesung Chun

Professor of Political Science and International Relations, Seoul National University
Headshot of Wendy Cutler

Wendy Cutler

Vice President, The Asia Society; Former Acting Deputy U.S. Trade Representative
Headshot photo of Taeho Bark

Taeho Bark

Professor Emeritus, GSIS, Seoul National University; President, Lee & Ko Global Commerce Institute; Former Minister for Trade, Republic of Korea
Headshot photo of Matthew P. Goodman

Matthew P. Goodman

Senior Vice President for Economics, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Headshot photo of Dr. Jeong Hyung-gon

Hyung-gon Jeong

Senior Fellow and Former Vice President, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
Headshot of Dr. Miyeon Oh

Miyeon Oh

Director and Senior Faculty Lead of Korea Studies, SAIS Johns Hopkins; Adjunct International Defense Researcher, RAND Corporation
Headshot photo of Sang Hyun Lee

Sang Hyun Lee

President, Sejong Institute; President, Korea Nuclear Policy Society
Headshot of Clara Gillispie

Clara Gillispie

Advisor, National Bureau of Asian Research
Headshot of Dr. Adam Segal

Adam Segal

Ira A. Lipman Chair in Emerging Technologies Director, Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program, Council on Foreign Relations
Headshot photo of Soonman Kwon

Soonman Kwon

Professor, Seoul National University

Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center for Korean History and Public Policy

The Center for Korean History and Public Policy was established in 2015 with the generous support of the Hyundai Motor Company and the Korea Foundation to provide a coherent, long-term platform for improving historical understanding of Korea and informing the public policy debate on the Korean peninsula in the United States and beyond.  Read more

Indo-Pacific Program

The Indo-Pacific Program promotes policy debate and intellectual discussions on US interests in the Asia-Pacific as well as political, economic, security, and social issues relating to the world’s most populous and economically dynamic region.   Read more